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Capernaum Missionary Baptist Church

of Jesus Christ

In 1993 the late Earl Able planted Capernaum Missionary Baptist Church of Jesus Christ Church in Blue Spring, MO. as an outreach ministry of Palestine Missionary Baptist Church of Jesus Christ in Kansas City, MO with five members. May 2nd, 1993 the first worship service was held in Vesper Hall Community Center in Blue Springs with 31 in attendance, under the Leadership of Rev, Jimmy L. Hall Jr. as Pastor. The congregation moved from Vesper Hall to the Thomas Ultican Elementary School music room in June 1993, to Pink Hill Park shelter, then back to the Ultican Elementary School music room and later the gymnasium. From 1993 to 2002 Capernaum steadily grew and increased in God’s blessings. During that time the Trustee Board, Usher Board and Witnessing Committee were established, Three Deacons were installed and a new church home was dedicated at 202 SW 8th St, in Blue Springs after renovations were made. A Pastor’s study was built and Senior Choir was organized.

In 2002, Rev. Jimmy Hall Jr. stepped down as Pastor of Capernaum and Verbert. A. Strong was installed as Senior Pastor. From 2002 to 2017 God continued to bless Capernaum under Pastor Strong’s leadership. Church growth, improvements and ministries were established, including a bus ministry.

In 2017 Rev. Verbert A. Strong stepped down as Pastor, installing Rev. Karl Jefferson as Shepard over God’s people at Capernaum. In 2018 God continue to smile on Capernaum with great leadership, growth and faith. In 2019 Capernaum made strides to make God’s house a humble and beautiful place for worship by making improvements to the restrooms, kitchen, sanctuary, including landscaping.

God has been gracious to Capernaum as He continues to shower blessings on Capernaum Missionary Baptist Church of Jesus Christ for 27 years of faithful service. We hope for many more years to come as we stand strong in his Word in Blue Springs, MO.

We solicit your prayers as we continue to grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.